(40) Line simplification

This example demonstrate the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm as implemented in the tool gmtsimplify. We show the full resolution coastline of Australia and two much simplified versions using two different thresholds.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#               GMT EXAMPLE 40
# Purpose:      Illustrate line simplification and spherical area calculations
# GMT modules:  basemap, text, plot, gmtsimplify, gmtspatial, subplot
# Unix progs:   awk, rm

# set AWK to awk if undefined

gmt begin ex40
	gmt spatial @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -fg -Qk > centroid.txt
	$AWK '{printf "Full area = %.0f km@+2@+\n", $3}' centroid.txt > area.txt

	gmt subplot begin 2x1 -Fs14c/12c -R112/154/-40/-10 -JM14c
		gmt subplot set 0
		gmt basemap -B20+lightgray -BWsne+g240/255/240
		gmt plot @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -Wfaint -G240/240/255
		gmt plot @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -Sc0.01c -Gred
		gmt simplify @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -T100k > T100k.txt
		gmt spatial T100k.txt -fg -Qk | $AWK '{printf "Reduced area = %.0f km@+2@+\n", $3}' > area_T100k.txt
		gmt plot -W1p,blue T100k.txt
		gmt plot -Sx0.75c -W3p centroid.txt
		gmt text -Dj8p -F+cLT+jTL+f18p+t"T = 100 km"
		gmt text area.txt -F+f14p+cCM -D0/1c
		gmt text area_T100k.txt -F+f14p+cLB -Dj14p

		gmt subplot set 1
		gmt basemap -B20+lightgray -BWSne+g240/255/240
		gmt plot @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -Wfaint -G240/240/255
		gmt plot @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -Sc0.01c -Gred
		gmt simplify @GSHHS_h_Australia.txt -T500k > T500k.txt
		gmt spatial T500k.txt -fg -Qk | $AWK '{printf "Reduced area = %.0f km@+2@+\n", $3}' > area_T500k.txt
		gmt plot -W1p,blue T500k.txt
		gmt plot -Sx0.75c -W3p centroid.txt
		gmt text -Dj8p -F+cLT+jTL+f18p+t"T = 500 km"
		gmt text area.txt -F+f14p+cCM -D0/1c
		gmt text area_T500k.txt -F+f14p+cLB -Dj14p
	gmt subplot end
	rm -f centroid.txt area*.txt T*.txt
gmt end show
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Illustrate line simplification and area calculations.